Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Our first day in Athens was like all first days in new cities for us - we went to the tourist office and fount a map and then went off to check out the natural food stores, vegetarian restaurants, and internet points to connect.
On our way to all these, we got to see the city.
We were happily surprised that not far from our hotel at the Plaka area was a store labeled, "Healthy Food, Vegetarian Fast Food, Books" which was half a natural food store where we could get our organic whole-wheat bread, tahini, and produce and the other half was a cafeteria which served mainly vegan food, there we could fill up on reverse-osmosis water instead of buying new bottles (reduce.. reuse.. recycle).
We were surprised that the people who were eating here seemed to be all middle-aged and up working class and not young hippy kids.
We also ate at an all organic, slightly-upscale vegetarian restaurant which we found recommended in a few places which was good but more expensive. (Yes, as you can see I am a little obsessed with the food part of our trip.)
Other than eating in Athens we also went to the usual sites, the Acropolis and it's surrounding areas, the flea markets and food markets, but mainly just walking around. They also had an 8-floor bookstore with mainly English books - bigger than most American bookstores. There we found every travel guide written for everywhere in the world and we picked up a "Let's Go Western Europe" guide.
Here we are outside the Theater at the Acropolis : We practised Elimination Communication (for those who don't know, Omo has been diaperless for 3 months already, she naturally communicates with us when she needs to eliminate. This method is called Elimination Communication.)
From the Acropolis, we descended to the ruins of ancient Agora:
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